Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Longview/Gregg County area TRTA-We Need You!

If you are a retired school personnel within the Longview/Gregg County area, you are invited to become a member of our local unit of TRTA. Our mission is to promote the professional, economic, intellectual, social, and physical well-being of our members. We encourage volunteer opportunities in the community and provide advocacy for improved retirement benefits for ALL public and higher education retirees. TRTA is our voice and it is our responsibility to be involved in making sure that our concerns are heard. Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at Johnny Cace's Seafood and Steakhouse at 11:30 September through May of each year. It is our goal to protect our retirement and healthcare and because of wide support, TRTA is active in Austin working for better benefits for ALL retired school personnel. NUMBERS COUNT, so please join us! You can mail a check payable to L/GC RTA for $30 to Treasurer, Betty Lorenz...inbox me or an officer for her address, please. If you choose to use payroll deduction for state dues from TRS of Texas you will only pay the local dues to Betty in the amount of $5. TRS sends that form to you in the mail. Please pass this information along to anyone you know who is a retired school personnel who may not be on Facebook! Thanks.

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