Monday, October 6, 2014

Fire Prevention Week - Songs and Fingerplays

I'm a Firefighter
(Little Teapot Tune)
I'm a firefighter, my name is John.
I put my boots and helmet on.
I hurry to the fire and give a shout!
With a burst of water,
The fire is out!

Did you Ever See a Fireman
(Did you ever see a Lassie tune)
Did you ever see a firefighter, a firefighter, a firefighter,
Did you ever see a firefighter slide down a pole?
Slide this way and that way and that way and this way?
Did you ever see a firefighter slide down a pole?
Substitute with.... Ride on the fire truck, feed his fire dog, grab the fire hose, put out the fire)

Fireman Number Eight
Fireman, fireman, number eight
Bumped his head on the gate.
The gate swung in,
The gate swung out.
That's the way they put the fire out!
Emergency, emergency 9-1-1
(Repeat twice more)

Ten Brave Firefighters
Ten brave firefighters
Standing in a row.
Ding, Ding rings the bell
Down the pole they go.
Jump on the fire truck
Ready to aim the hose
Climb up the ladder
Whoosh! Out the fire goes
(Continue to drop a number as you go)

More Fire Preventions Resources:

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