Saturday, June 1, 2013

Teacher Resources For Your Week-June

Teaching Tip: June Lesson Plan Ideas for You

June is a very busy month. Here are a number of helpful resources for the month.

1. June is the last month of school for most - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

2. June is Zoo and Aquarium month - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

3. June is Multiplication Month - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

4. June 2nd, 1865 : U.S. Civil War Ends - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

5. June 5th is World Environment Day - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

6. June 10th starts Following Directions Week - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

7. June 14th is Flag Day- Lesson Plans, Worksheets

8. On June 17th the Battle of Bunker Hill took place - Worksheets

9. June 16th is Father's Day - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

10. June 21st is the First Day of Summer - Summer Reading List

11. June 27th is Helen Keller's Birthday - Lesson Plans, Worksheets

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