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Thursday, September 24, 2009

National Punctuation Day 9-24

National Punctuation Day 9-24

September 24th, 2009 is the sixth annual National Punctuation Day! According to the official NPD website, this most auspicious day is: "A celebration of the lowly comma, correctly used quotes, and other proper uses of periods, semicolons, and the ever-mysterious ellipsis."

Jeff Rubin, 59, a former copy editor determined to rid the world of dangling participles, successfully bid for Sept. 24 to be listed as a holiday in Chase's Calendar of Events in 2004. Since then, he and his wife have cooked a meatloaf shaped like a question mark, performed in classrooms and dedicated a Web site to good grammar (

Sources: National Punctuation Day 9-24 Jeff Rubin Blog Blog Punctuation Day Blog Writing and Reading

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